Wednesday, April 11, 2007

APRIL 11TH continued

Me and my snowman..I call it 'HULK in progress'. By tomorrow, with the rain now coming down, he will be gone.

Then when Barb got home I opened my present(s) from my wonderful sisters. There was one box, but it contained many presents. The picture on the right shows most of them. The Dragon Sign, the Sticky Slinky Monster, the Voodoo Doll, the Moen Paper Clip thing, The bottle of gin, and my favorite..MAX. Max is sooo cute and cuddly. Barb told me that he will go with the rest of my collection...when I asked her what she was talking about - she said, "you know, your collection of stuffed animals from cartoon know, like your "SNOWMAN" and the "LUMBERJACK" that you have downstairs on the bookshelf. It took me a long time to figure out what she was talking about, but when I did it was the best laugh I've had in a while...she was talking about the little stuffed toys of YUKON CORNELIUS and the BUMBLE...GOD it's tough getting old. Anyway, I include a closeup of MAX to complete this blog...

An older Pops

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